Local heroes inspire new citizens
Earlier this week we held our 2023 Community Citizen of the Year Awards and Citizenship Ceremony. This annual event gave us the opportunity to recognise individuals and organisations making a positive impact in our community, and to welcome 184 new Australian citizens who form part of our diverse, vibrant community.
Congratulations to Kate Miller, Scott Guerini, Motion by the Ocean and Jean Jolley, who were awarded Community Citizen of the Year Awards under the Auspire (Australia Day Council of Western Australia) program.
The ceremony also allowed me to announce that Council has bestowed the City’s highest honour on former Councillor David Boothman as the 10th Freeman of the City in recognition of his service to our community.
2023 will be another busy, exciting year for the City of Stirling as we deliver a range of key projects, services and events across the community. We have recently released our coastal hazard risk draft report (or CHRMAP) which is a call to action to protect our coastline.
The City is also conducting a comprehensive review of our Local Planning Policy 6.4 Child Care Premises which closes 9 February 2023, so make sure you have your say on these important local issues.
Finally, I wish everyone a happy, healthy and successful 2023.
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Back to BlogPrevious SlideNext SlideMayor Mark Irwin delivering his ceremony address Wadjak Nyoongar Elder Len Yarran playing the didgeridoo before providing a Welcome to Country Proud new citizen Halline displaying her new citizenship Former Mayor and Balga Ward Councillor David Boothman JP being appointed the 10th Freeman of the City Kate Miller being awarded Community Citizens of the Year Wonderful members of Team Stirling helping new citizens register Happy new citizen! Mayor Mark Irwin and family members of a new citizen Wadjak Nyoongar Elder Len Yarran Hon. Ayor Makur Chuot MLC Deputy Mayor Stephanie Proud JP showing off her photography skills Balcatta MLA David Michael, Scarborough MLA Stuart Aubrey, Mayor Mark Irwin and Mirrabooka MLA Meredith Hammat Brazilian celebrations for a new Australian citizen Wadjak Nyoongar Elder Len Yarran providing his Welcome to Country, interrupted several times by thunderous applause from the crowd Mayor Mark Irwin announcing the appointment of David Boothman JP as a Freeman of the City Inglewood Ward Councillor David Lagan Mayor Mark Irwin, former candidate for Council Marwa Wasique, and Community Citizen of the Year nominee Maria Aziz Lawley Ward Councillor Joe Ferrante Mayor Mark Irwin and a new citizen Doubleview Ward Councillor Elizabeth Re More Brazilian celebrations Hamersley Ward Councillor Karlo Perkov and Coastal Ward Councillor Tony Krsticevic Mayor Mark Irwin Osborne Ward Councillor Lisa Thornton and Hamersley Ward Councillor Chris Hatton Aaaannnd even more Brazilian flare! Balga Ward Councillor Michael Dudek speaking with Inglewood Ward Councillor Bianca Sandri and Deputy Mayor Stephanie Proud JP Coastal Ward Councillor Felicity Farrelly A new citizen taking her pledge A new citizen being interviewed by guests from the press media Balga Ward Councillor Andrea Creado Acting CEO Michael Quirk presenting the Community Citizen of the Year Awards as Master of Ceremonies