Located at Princess Walling Reserve, Bina Parkland provides free and accessible recreation options that will attract a wide range of users and encourage local community events.
The contemporary parkland now offers a skate plaza facility and a junior and advanced BMX track, multi-courts, parkour area, regional playground, unique public art, formalised carparking, barbecue areas, public toilets and drink fountains.
Address: Princess Wallington Reserve, 50 Wallington Road, Balga.
The Carine skate and BMX facility is an existing concrete facility located at Carine Regional Open Space with access from Beach Road car park. Recently, there have been additions and improvements such as seating, entry pathway, shelters, signage and drink fountains.
For more information, please refer to the Carine Skate Facility Landscape Upgrade Plan.
Address: Beach Road, Carine.
Located at the northern corner of the reserve at the corner of Alexander Drive and Light Street. The facility provides an asphalt pump track with a trail head/congregation area, a perimeter skills trail, and a series of jump lines for beginner, intermediate and advanced riders.
Address: Dianella Regional Open Space. Carpark access from the roundabout intersecting Light Street and Edison Way and follow the pathway northwest to the BMX facility.
Located at Newborough Rainer Reserve, this short track has an easy (green) classification and suits children and beginners as a great introduction to off-road riding. There are several technical trail features including small jumps, a rock garden and a skinny (a narrow log to ride along). Each feature has an alternative line with no obstacle.
Address: Corner of Newborough street and Deanmore Road, Karrinyup.
Included as part of the community playground at Robinson Reserve is a path for skate and scooter use, with surrounding picnic tables, shelters and an accessible drink fountain. The playground and incidental facility is located in the south west corner of the reserve with the closest access to the facility from Royal Street or Waterloo Street.
For more information, please refer to the Robinson Reserve Community Playground Concept Design.
Address Robinson Reserve, 25 Royal Street, Tuart Hill.
The Scarborough skate and BMX facility, known as the Snake Pit - is a reference to the area being the hottest spot for ‘bodgies’ and ‘widgies’ in the 50s and 60s.
- The skate/BMX street plaza
- The skate bowl
- The bouldering wall
- The 3 on 3 basketball facility.
While some of these facilities are not new concepts, there are cutting-edge features never before seen on this scale in Perth. The most notable are the Skate Bowl (the deepest in metropolitan Perth) and the Bouldering Wall, the first of its kind west of Melbourne!
While the Snake Pit is new and exciting, there are some considerations to take into account before entering the facility.
The skate/BMX street plaza
The Street Plaza is designed with elements to mimic street-style skating and BMX riding. It is a great place to learn to skate, ride and scoot or to develop and hone your current skills.
There are no age restrictions at The Street Plaza; whether you're 5 or 105, you are welcome! Things can get a little intense with people of all ages learning new skills, so make sure you keep your eye on your surroundings.
The Skate/BMX Street Plaza is open every day from 7.00am until dusk.
The skate bowl
The Skate Bowl is the deepest of its kind in WA and has been specifically designed to cater for national and international competitions. We recommend the bowl for skilled and experienced users only.
The Skate Bowl is open every day from 7.00am - 10.00pm.
The bouldering wall
The first of its kind in WA, it is a space for everyone regardless of age or ability! Bouldering is not just about going up but also sideways and back down.
The Bouldering Wall is open every day from 7.00am until dusk.
The 3 on 3 basketball facility
The 3 on 3 basketball court has been provided as part of the Scarborough Intergenerational Plaza - the Snake Pit. The court is open to all ages and abilities and has been designed to foster casual games of 3 on 3 basketball with the potential for organised competitions in the future.
General considerations
It is important to remember that this facility is located outside and at the beach. It may be slippery when wet, salty or at any other time of the day. Mums and dads, please keep an eye on your kids at all times!
Skating, scooting and riding can be difficult to master. You will fall at some stage, so make sure you're wearing protective gear including a helmet, and knee, elbow and wrist guards.
The Snake Pit is a space for everyone so treat others and the space with respect. Use the bins provided, don't bring glassware, don't use bad language and don't vandalise the place.
To report damage, please phone our Customer Contact Centre.
Address: The Esplanade, Scarborough.