All Losses Grief Support Group
- Every Thursday from 6.30pm - 8.00pm
- The Grief Centre of WA
This page provides information and opportunities for young people and youth services in the City of Stirling.
Young people are valued members of our community. They represent the future and the City is dedicated to enhancing the skills, knowledge and opportunities for young people in the City.
The City supports collaboration and initiatives that engage young people in prosocial activities that contribute to their health and wellbeing, provides opportunities for young people to drive positive change within the community and increase connection to the City’s places and spaces.
For more information, visit the Community improvement initiatives page.
Leadership - Empowerment - Achievement - Development - Service
The Stirling L.E.A.D.S. is a group of young people aged 16 to 25 from diverse backgrounds who live, work, study, volunteer, or play in the City of Stirling. The group provides guidance and support in the development of youth initiatives, serves as a powerful voice for young people in the City, and is dedicated to empowering our community’s young people.
L.E.A.D.S. members have opportunities to be active in their local community and access training to develop skills in leadership, advocacy, community engagement, and event coordination, all of which contribute to the community’s growth.
The Stirling L.E.A.D.S. Program celebrates diversity in all its forms. We aim for all young people to feel valued, appreciated and empowered to be their authentic self and achieve their personal goals, encouraging applications from those who are culturally diverse, identifying as LGBTIQA+, living with a disability, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander, come from a refugee and migrant backgrounds. L.E.A.D.S is fun, great for the resume and a great opportunity to meet other people whilst building the capacity of young people in the City of Stirling.
For more information, please contact youth@stirling.wa.gov.au
Stirling Collab's aims to strengthen collaboration between the City of Stirling and a broad cross-section of organisations, services, institutions, and businesses working with young people in the City and surrounding areas. The City of Stirling values the diverse insights and expertise of service providers in improving support available to young people.
What's involved?
Who can be involved? Youth workers, teachers, principals, student services, psychology and counselling services, case managers, youth program facilitators, youth agencies, NFP organisations, and businesses and services that engage with or want to engage with young people.
Please email youth@stirling.wa.gov.au to register your interest in joining Stirling collabs.
Skate Festivals are skate, scooter, roller skating and BMX competitions for young people hosted by the City of Stirling and facilitated by Freestyle Now.
These events held each year at the below locations:
Facilitated by Freestyle Now, Whirling in Stirling Coaching Clinics are held annually at various locations within the City of Stirling.
TeenFit is a group fitness program aimed at 13 to 17 years olds and is run at Stirling Leisure - Inglewood. With reduced fees and school friendly session times, it's a great way to improve your teen's fitness.
For more information, please see term based programs and junior sports.
Get involved in your local community and become a registered volunteer with the City of Stirling.
The City has a dedicated Volunteer Services team and supportive supervisors to guide you through your volunteering journey with the City.
Giving up your time to help others is extremely rewarding and is a fantastic way to gain new skills, meet new people and really make a positive difference.
For more information please visit the volunteering page, or contact the Volunteer Services Team on (08) 9205 8583.
Youth Week WA is held each year in April and is the biggest celebration of young people on the Western Australian youth calendar. The City supports a range of events and activities that celebrate the contributions that young people make to the community.
Keep an eye out for events in 2025.
School holidays are the perfect time to discover all the wonderful things the City has to offer. Explore the curated list of free and low-cost activities below to help you make the most of the summer school holidays. Whether you're looking for outdoor adventures, cultural experiences, or family-friendly fun, there's something for everyone. Head to our school holidays page to find out more.
Funded by the Alcohol and Drug Foundation the BOSS (Boorloo Outreach Support Services) is an initiative run by Stirling Local Drug Action Team. Kids First Australia are running youth outreach across Balga, Mirrabooka and Scarborough.
The program also has a weekly drop in at Sudbury house in Mirrabooka where young people can participate in various weekly activities.
Keep an eye on the website for and timetable and more information or contact the Team at Kids First on 08 9450 0900 or info@kidsfirstaustralia.org.au.
Helps young people appearing in Perth Children’s Court by providing support and referrals to improve their mental health and wellbeing. Can assist with accommodation, education and training, substance abuse, health, finances, and family issues.
Phone (08) 9265 6666 or 1800 019 900 (Freecall from anywhere in WA)
Visit the Aboriginal Legal Service of Western Australia website
Support service for young people whose lives have been affected by someone else’s drinking.
Phone (08) 9325 7528
Help line 1300 252 666 (for the cost of a local call)
Visit the AI-Anon Family Groups Australia website
Provides information, support, advocacy, referral, and case management to young people experiencing substance use issues, mental health issues or finding work.
Phone (08) 9342 9669
Located in Joondalup can help young people 12-18 years with substance issues, mental health concerns, legal matters and health and fitness.
Phone (08) 9300 7300
Visit the Centrecare website
Helps those aged 12 - 25 requiring support for alcohol and other drug issues.
Phone (08) 9208 9555
A free and confidential service for those aged 12 - 21 who require assistance with drug and alcohol issues. Provides a range of treatment and support services.
Phone (08) 9222 6300
Visit the Mission Australia website
Free and confidential service for people aged 12 - 25 offering support for mental health, drug and alcohol issues, physical and sexual health and help with work and study matters. Services in Osborne Park and Joondalup.
Supports individuals who are exiting homelessness services but who still require additional support. Can assist with finding stable accommodation, working through personal issues such as substance use, mental health, and wellbeing.
Phone (08) 9300 2677
Visit the Youth Futures WA website
Provides treatment and services for people of all ages who are experiencing problems due to alcohol and other drug use.
Phone (08) 9219 1919
Provides medium to long tern supported accommodation in West Leederville and West Perth for young people 16-25 years who are homeless or at risk of homelessness.
Phone (08) 9388 2791
Email info@picys.org.au
Visit the Perth Inner City Youth Service website
Provides help to people aged 12 - 25 years in the Perth Metro area who are experiencing substance use and/or mental health issues.
Phone (08) 6212 8700
Visit the Mission Australia website
Provides sexual health, mental health, support services and education. Services are sensitive and responsive to the needs of diverse communities.
Phone (08) 9482 0000Empowers Indigenous people to support each other in living healthy, culturally rich lives with access to education and employment opportunities. Runs weekly groups suitable for Aboriginal young people in Balga
Phone (08) 9342 0708Provides assistance to young people who are at risk from harm within the Perth Mero area. Has a range of services including outreach.
Phone 0404 819 400Provides culturally secure and holistic programs and strategies that inform, educate, and address the harmful effects of alcohol, drugs, and other substances on individuals, families and communities and strengthen the mind and body, and heal the spirit. Has services for 8–25-year-olds.
Phone (08)9221 1411Provides support and case management to young people under the age of 18 in the Perth metro area. Operates the YARS programme on Friday and Saturday nights 9pm - 5am in Northbridge.
Phone (08) 6212 8700Offers counselling, education and advocacy to young Western Australian’s who are experiencing mental health issues. Has locations in Joondalup and Burswood.
Phone (08) 6266 4333Can assist those ages up to 24 years with emergency relief, crisis accommodation and alcohol and other drug issues.
Phone (08) 9300 2677Helps young people 13-24 years in the North Metro area who are hurting from abuse or neglect, suffering from substance misuse and addiction, who are having trouble with relationships or homeless and those with depression, anger, self-harm or suicidal ideation.
Phone (08) 92274300 (Monday - Friday 8:30am - 4:30pm) or 1300 362 569 (local call rates from landlines)