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Central Avenue/Clifton Crescent intersection road safety enhancements

Following community consultation undertaken in 2023, the project to improve road safety at the intersection of Central Avenue and Clifton Crescent is progressing. Closing date: 28 April 2023

The City received a total of 936 valid responses from the community during the 5-week consultation period. At the Council Meeting of 30 May 2023, Council agreed to the community’s second preferred option which is to construct a raised intersection plateau (with no movements restricted).  This option was selected as it was agreed to be the least likely to cause further distribution of traffic or ‘rat-runs’ onto nearby local roads. 

The Council also resolved to submit a grant funding application for the 2024/2025 budget of the Black Spot Program for the construction of the raised intersection plateau. The City is currently awaiting the outcome of the funding application. 

Previous SlideNext Slide
  • Planned raised intersection platform.Planned raised intersection platform.


Why hasn't a roundabout been considered?

A roundabout has been considered but there is not enough space available within the road reserve.

Why haven't traffic signals been considered?

Traffic signals require approval from Main Roads WA and this location does not meet the criteria set out in the applicable Main Road Policies and Guidelines.


Consultation period

24 March to 28 April 2023

Outcomes reported to the Community and Resources Committee/Council

May 2023

Black Spot funding application submitted to Main Roads WA

July 2023


2024/25 Financial Year - Subject to Black Spot funding
See more

Project documents

Document nameDownloadable files
Council Report 30 May 2023 - Community Consultation Results(PDF)

For more information, please contact Russell Jackson, Engineering Design on consultation.engineering@stirling.wa.gov.au on (08) 9205 8715.

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