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Draft Local Planning Scheme No. 4

The City of Stirling has prepared a new draft Local Planning Scheme No. 4 (LPS4) to guide development of the City’s growing and diverse community.

LPS4 will replace the City’s existing Local Planning Scheme No. 3 (LPS3) to become the primary statutory document of the City’s planning framework to guide how land within the City is developed.

The proposed new Scheme is based on the recommendations of the City’s Local Planning Strategy and the requirements of the State Government’s statutory and strategic planning framework.

A local planning scheme is one component of the City’s local planning framework, which includes supporting planning instruments such as Local Planning Policies to provide guidance on the assessment of applications for development and subdivision approval.

A review of the City’s collective planning framework is underway with any changes to these documents to be considered by Council at a future Council meeting and advertised concurrently with draft LPS4 to provide context to the changes introduced by the new Scheme.

The preparation of draft LPS4 and associated planning instruments has been guided by the following fundamental principles:

  • A reduction in complexity of the Scheme and broader planning framework
  • Consistency with the State planning framework
  • Provision of an easier to navigate and understand planning framework to deliver the objectives and actions of the City’s approved Local Planning Strategy.


What is a local planning scheme?

Local planning schemes set out the zoning of land, permissible land uses, the scale of development and other important information relating to subdivision and development across the City. It forms the basis for all planning decisions made by the City.

Why does the City need a new Local Planning Scheme?

All local governments are required to regularly update their local planning schemes to reflect their community’s changing demographics and needs.

Since approval of the City’s current Local Planning Scheme No. 3, in 2010, planning legislation and practices have undergone significant change.

By preparing a new Local Planning Scheme the City is ensuring it is up-to-date with current legislative requirements.

What is the relationship between draft LPS4 and the Local Planning Strategy?

The Local Planning Strategy is a high-level strategic document setting out the vision for local planning and development over a 10 to 15 year period.

The proposed changes to the City's local planning framework will help achieve the strategic goals of the City’s Local Planning Strategy, which are:

  1. Prioritise growth and investment in activity centres and corridors.
  2. Keep the jobs we have now and grow them.
  3. Transport and land use will be coordinated and integrated.
  4. Improving the quality and livability of the City.

These changes will also ensure the City is aligned with the State Government's aspirations for Planning Reform, by, creating places for people, ensuring the planning framework is easier to understand and navigate, and providing a consistent and efficient planning system.

What are Residential Design Codes (R-Codes)?

Land in the City where residential development is allowed has a density code (also known as an R-Code) in draft LPS4.

The R-Code determines the density, form and scale of development that can occur on a property.

Using the mapping tool is a quick and easy way to find your property’s R-Code. You can also use this tool to look at any other areas in the City that may be of interest to you.

What is the State Government’s strategic planning direction?

The State’s strategic land use planning direction is detailed in the Perth and Peel@3.5million framework which aims to accommodate 3.5 million people in Perth and Peel by 2050. The Perth and Peel@3.5million framework is available on the Department of Planning, Lands and Heritage website.

The City’s Local Planning Strategy follows the State Government direction in determining areas where residential intensity should be located.

How can I find out the proposed zoning and R-Code for my property?

The draft LPS4 online map is now available on the City’s Intramaps page.

Will the changes affect my property value?

The City cannot comment on whether changes proposed in draft LPS4 will affect property values. It is recommended you get in touch with a licensed property valuer and/or private planning consultant to provide professional advice on these matters.


November 2023

Planning and Development Committee to provide recommendation to Council to advertise Draft LPS4

December 2023

Council consideration of Draft LPS4

December 2023

Draft LPS4 referred to the Western Australian Planning Commission for approval to advertise


Western Australian Planning Commission provides approval to advertise Draft LPS4


Council to consider consequential changes to the City's planning framework


Advertising of Draft LPS4 and supporting planning framework commences (advertised for a period of 90 days)


Advertising concludes


Council considers report on submissions


Draft LPS4 referred to the Western Australian Planning Commission and the Minister for Planning for determination


If Minister for Planning gives formal approval for the new Scheme, it will come into effect upon gazettal
See more

For more information, or to receive this information in an alternative format, please contact Gareth Glanville, Development Services on (08) 9205 7350 or Gareth.Glanville@stirling.wa.gov.au.

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