Vibrant Communities

The City of Stirling aims to create places where people choose to live, work and invest. Vibrant Communities funding is designed to build relationships with community groups and organisations for a range of events that provide creative, community and economic outcomes.


The Vibrant Communities funding stream aims to support the achievement of the objectives in Sustainable Stirling 2022-2032, specifically to:

  • Encourage and support tourism growth
  • Increase visitor and economic activity in local areas
  • Increase participation in community life.

The Vibrant Communities funding stream seeks proposals for projects, programs or activities that will:

  • Help activate local centres
  • Encourage tourism growth
  • Enhance community identity, encourage accessibility and community participation
  • Add vibrancy and stimulate activity in the City
  • Support and enhance the cultural life of Stirling
  • Represent the cultural and social diversity of our community
  • Strengthen social inclusion, enable connectedness and reduce social isolation
  • Celebrate Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities and culture
  • Are available to the public and accessible to all people of all abilities
  • Appeal to a wide cross section of the local community.


Eligible applicantsIneligible applicants
An incorporated association or not-for-profit organisationCommercial organisations
An unincorporated group who are auspiced by a not-for-profit organisationIndividuals or sole traders
Have not received other funding from the City for the same activity in the same financial yearCurrent employees or City of Stirling Elected Members
Have fulfilled the conditions of a previous City of Stirling grant by the due date and no overdue debts with the CityFederal, State and local government agencies and bodies
Have adequate public liability insurancePolitical parties or organisations aligned to a political cause
Hold events within the City of Stirling and be open for the City of Stirling community attendance, engagement with or participationSchools and P&C’s

What will we fund?

This list is not exhaustive, and we recommend discussing your project with a grants officer prior to submitting an application.

  • Cultural events
  • Live music festivals/performances
  • Awards ceremonies open to the public
  • Conferences, summits, conventions open to the public
  • Arts activities with a public outcome – visual arts, digital arts and multimedia installations, film and photography exhibitions, theatre, and dance performances
  • A series of performances delivered as part of a public program
  • Festivals, events or series of events that attract significant attendance/participation and visitors to the City.

What won't we fund?

This list is not exhaustive, and we recommend discussing your project with a grants officer prior to submitting an application.

  • Business events, business exhibitions, conferences and conventions not open to the public
  • Awards ceremonies (invite only)
  • Murals
  • Networking events
  • Private/invite only events (events or projects must be accessible to the public).
  • For fundraising activities, the fundraising component should not be the main reason for the event, there should be clear cultural benefit for the community, as outlined in the outcome areas
  • Commercial activities
  • Core organisational operating costs
  • Events with a political or religious purpose only
  • Events that have begun or are completed before approval of funding
  • Events that are not open to the general public or where access is restricted to members or delegates
  • Events that promote gambling, drugs and/or alcohol
  • Events that are the responsibility of other levels of government
  • School fairs/fetes and similar insular initiatives.

Funding available

Applicants are encouraged to seek grant funding and support from multiple sources. In general, the City will not contribute more than 50% of the total event budget value.

Please see the budget section of the application form for more information. Grant packages include funding and value-in-kind services.

Small Grants

Up to $5,000 total package

Medium Grants

$5,001 - $20,000 total package

Large Grants

Over $20,000 total package

Small events such as special celebrations, anniversaries or similar with a limited target audience.Medium scale events that appeal to a wide cross section of the local community.Large scale festivals, events, or series of events which attract significant attendance and visitors to the City. Events and arts projects of significant cultural or strategic importance.
  • Attendance/participation under 1,000 people
  • Strongly aligns with one or more outcome areas
  • Good community support and demonstrated engagement with other organisations/ artists/ businesses/community
  • Evidence of support provided
  • Attendance/participation 1,000 - 5,000
  • Strongly aligns with two or more outcome areas
  • Good community support and demonsteated engagement with other organisations/artists/businesses/community
  • Evidence of support provided
  • Attendance/participation 5,000 - 10,000+
  • Strongly aligns with two or more outcome areas
  • Good community support and demonstrated engagement with other organisations/artists/businesses/community
  • Evidence of support provided

Quick response grants

Quick response Grants are unavailable for this grant stream.

Value in-kind

Value in-kind components of grant packages will be assessed on a case-by-case basis for the following:

  • Venue hire of City-managed facilities (venue bond charges and any other costs associated with the event/project will still apply)
  • Promotion (provided by the City via existing marketing and communication channels)
  • Waste management, with increased subsidisation for sustainable practices to reduce waste and increase recycling
  • Development Application fees
  • Other City services as deemed appropriate.   

These services will form part of the total grant package.  Please discuss value in-kind contributions from the City of Stirling with the Grants Officer before submitting your application and these will be assessed on a case-by-case basis.

Ready to start your Vibrant Communities grant application?
Click here

Further information

Events will need to comply with the City of Stirling’s Event Application process, local laws and any other legislation relating to events. This process is separate to the grant application process.

Applications for events need to be submitted a minimum of 8 weeks prior to the commencement of an event regardless of whether funding outcomes have been advised. Applicants will need to consider whether they can complete all relevant applications prior to applying for funding. Generally, if event approval is not granted for a funded event the applicant will be required to return the portion of funding related to the delivery of said event.