This page provides information about the City's sports competition by-laws. To contact the Sports Team please see contact details below.
Phone (08) 9205 7323

Respect the ref
Our referees and umpires are here to ensure you have a fun, safe and fair competition at Stirling Leisure. We ask that you are a good sport and treat them with respect by:
- Accepting referee calls and judgements
- Communicating respectfully with our referees and umpires
- Addressing concerns or complaints at half time. Yelling at referees won't be tolerated
- Enjoying the game, having fun and remembering it's a social competition.
Thank you for making the Stirling Leisure sporting competitions a fun and safe environment for everyone involved.
- Stirling Leisure Sport Competition by-laws are implemented with the intention of creating an environment that promotes healthy competition, fair play and good conduct for the enjoyment of all participants, spectators and officials at Stirling Leisure.
- In the spirit of healthy participation, we remind all teams and spectators to be respectful to officials, other players and Centre staff at all times. The City of Stirling reserves the right to refuse entry to patrons who are deemed to be a risk to staff or patrons at Stirling Leisure
- Team members and supporters must be aware and abide by the rules and sports by-laws. In the event of a dispute or protest being made, the by-laws will be referred to
- Please make sure you read the by-laws carefully, as they will be referred to whenever a dispute or protest is made.
- The FIBA Basketball, FIFA Futsal and Australian Netball Association rules shall apply unless otherwise provided in these by-laws
- Day-to-day interpretation of these by-laws shall be at the responsibility of the most senior official present at the time
- Appeals against interpretation of these By-Laws must be lodged in writing to the Stirling Leisure Senior Sports and Leisure Programs Officer at
- City of Stirling reserves the right to change and amend the by-laws at any time. Team captain’s will be notified of changes.
- Team nominations should be completed online on the Teams registration portal as found on the City of Stirling website.
- Team captains must record players full name and contact details. A player must only be registered to one team
- The team captain nominating a team must be 18 years old or over and is responsible for their team, fees and communication
- New players can be registered throughout the season which is the responsibility of the team captain
- Management has the right to refuse entry to teams and/or individual players. Previous playing history in Stirling Leisure competitions will be considered. No guarantee is given that this application will be successful. Where teams cannot be included in the competition, they will be notified
- When registering a team at Stirling Leisure, you are agreeing to participate in all fixtures and agree to payment for those game fees
- Teams wishing to participate in the following season must re-nominate their team and any new players
- New teams joining the competition after the start of a season can be introduced into a competition but will only be eligible to play in the finals at the discretion of the Senior Sports and Leisure Programs Officer.
- Players under the age of 16 years will not be permitted to play in adult competitions
- Players 16-17 years of age are required to have a parent or guardian present while they compete
- Players must be registered (2.2) and have played three games during the season to qualify for finals
- Teams must field the minimum player numbers, to commence play:
Netball | 5 players |
Futsal/Soccer | 4 players |
Basketball | 4 players |
Players are only permitted to play for one team in finals - the team they have played the most games for throughout the season
Playing an illegal player will result in an automatic loss or forfeit. Illegal players are:
- Players under suspension
- Players not qualified for final matches
- Players playing under a different name.
Players are permitted to fill in for other teams, provided they are not the substitute player or playing in a grade lower than the registered grade:
In a Mixed Netball team, a minimum of one male and a maximum number of three males are permitted to take the court at one time
In a Mixed Netball team, there must only be one male playing in each third of the netball court. i.e. One male in the defending third (GK or GD), centre third (WA, WD or C) and attacking third (GA or GS)
In the event that a current player is to fill in for another team, that player must only play in a wing position for the total duration of the game. A fill in that is not a current player for a team may play any position as required.
- The intention of the grading period is to provide each team with an appropriate level of competition. Each competition will have a grading period of two weeks. Throughout the grading period teams will be assessed by the following:
- Previous history
- Grading game results (winning/losing margin)
- Umpire recommendation
- Sports and Leisure Programs Officer recommendation.
Grading will be conducted under the discretion of the Sports and Leisure Programs Officer
Teams may request grades with sufficient reasoning, however, will not be guaranteed a spot in the requested grade
Any grade change requests made by the team will only be considered within the first three weeks of the season, including the grading period. To request a grade change, complete a Grade Change Request Form and submit it to prior to the end of week 3. The outcome will be at the discretion of the Senior Sports and Leisure Programs Officer and Sports and Leisure Officer.
- Prior to the game commencing, all teams are required to have paid their game fee in advance
- All teams must provide their own scorer for the duration of the match. Teams are therefore responsible for monitoring the scores during the game, and umpires/referees will not be held responsible for scoring errors in the event a scorer is not provided
- The team will be held responsible for the conduct of its members and spectators, and all parties shall be subject to the Behaviour Management Guidelines as provided for in section 16. Behaviour Management Guidelines
- Disputes need to be made in writing to the Senior Sports and Leisure Programs Officer and a compelling
- case must be presented for sentence to be considered for overturning.
- Any player suspected to be under the influence of drugs/alcohol will be denied entry to the facility and/or asked to leave the premises immediately. If this request is disregarded, the matter will be reported to the Duty Manager, Security and/or Police in accordance with Stirling Leisure operating standard
- Any valuables/money left unattended is personal responsibility. Stirling Leisure Centres will not accept responsibility for any such losses
- Players participate in sports competitions at their own risk, injuries incurred whilst playing are not covered by insurance by the Stirling Leisure Centres
- Hats/caps, jewellery, pins or other dangerous items must not be worn (awareness bracelets are accepted). Fingernails and other items must be taped or secured. Sports gloves are permitted.
- Stirling Leisure game payments can be made as weekly payments or upfront payments.
- Payments can be made at front reception upon arrival to the centre
- Any forfeit fees incurred will be applied to that team’s account and invoiced to the team captain.
- Team captains must ensure players accept all umpire decisions with a positive attitude. Decisions made by officials are final. Players that dispute calls during match play may have penalties awarded against them and their team
- Any disputes to decisions made on-court can be made to the umpire/referee or Duty Officer at half time, or upon conclusion of the match. All disputes must be communicated in line with the Stirling Leisure Code of Conduct
- The game will commence once the full game fee is paid and receipt presented to the umpire/referee. Penalties will be applied against the team late to court
- All players’ full names must be recorded on the scoresheet before the game commences. Nicknames are not acceptable. If a dispute arises regarding a player being disqualified, a full name is required to be sighted on the scoresheet.
- Two weeks from the start of a new season, or from the time of joining the competition, will be granted for teams to conform to the uniform policy.
- Matching top colours with position bibs or numbers clearly displayed are to be worn at all times. Taped numbers are not acceptable
- Penalties for out of uniform players will be applied as follows:
Netball | 2 points per player |
Futsal/Soccer | 1 goal per player |
Basketball | 5 points per player |
- Stirling Leisure will endeavour to provide experienced and/or qualified umpires/referees for each match played. Teams are expected to show patience and understanding for umpires/referees that are still developing. The City of Stirling is committed to providing a safe working environment for our employees and will take a zero-tolerance stance on abusive or intimidating behaviour towards umpires/referees.
- Responsibilities of the umpire/referee are:
- To inspect the condition of playing area, ball and equipment
- To ensure all players are wearing the correct uniform
- To check all players’ nails and jewellery
- To apply Stirling Leisure by-laws and sport-specific rules to all matches
- To provide the highest customer service to all players and patrons.
- During play, the umpire/referee’s decision is final, and they shall not permit any discussion about their decision. At the request of the team captain, umpires/referees may provide an explanation on their interpretation of the rules. This explanation may be given at half or full time only.
- All timeslots must be played, ranging from 6.00pm to 10.00pm. No preference will be given
- Grading may take place if a competition consists of 12 or more teams
- Management reserves the right to change fixtures where necessary
- Games will be played on a time limit of:
Netball | 4 x 10 minute quarters, 2 minute half time |
Walking Netball | 4 x 8 minute quarters, 2 minute half time |
Futsal/Soccer | 2 x 15 minute halves, 2 minute half time |
Basketball | 2 x 20 minute halves, 2 minute half time |
- The game clock will start at the fixtured start time regardless of teams being ready to play
- The clock will not be stopped for any reason during the game (includes injuries)
- Where a team does not have the required minimum players (as per 3.3) at the commencement of the game the following late penalties will apply to the opposing team:
Netball/Walking Netball | 1 point for every minute |
Futsal/Soccer | 1 goal for every 3 minutes |
Basketball | 2 points every minute |
- If a team does not field the minimum numbers by the first 10 minutes then the game will be deemed a forfeit and a forfeit fee will apply.
- Scoresheets are to be left at the score-bench and completed in full before the game commencement, including player’s full name and shirt number or position if applicable
The scoresheet will be used for the official result. Umpires are to check and sign the scoresheet at the end of the game
Once the umpires have signed the scoresheet, the score is final. No further changes can be made, and no disputes will be accepted regarding the score, or any suspensions/cards recorded
Premiership points are award after each game is completed. Points will be awarded as follows:
Win 4 points Loss 1 point Draw/Bye 2 points Forfeit -2 points
- Forfeit and withdrawal fees will occur if a team cannot field a team for the fixtured game or a team has to withdraw from the competition before the end
- Forfeit fines are charged accordingly:
Non attendance | 2 x match fee |
Forfeit less than 24 hours notice | 1.5 x match fee |
Forfeit more than 24 hours | 1 x match fee |
- Forfeit fees must be paid within seven (7) days
- A team with three (3) outstanding forfeit fees will be removed from the competition immediately
- Results for forfeits will be recorded as follows:
Netball | 20 to 0 |
Futsal/Soccer | 5 to 0 |
Basketball | 20 to 0 |
- A withdrawal fee of $100 applies to any team that chooses to withdraw during the season
- Withdrawal from competitions must be done by completing a Team Cancellation Form and providing it to the Sports and Leisure Programs Officer via email,
- To participate in finals, a player must be registered (2.2) and have participated in a minimum of three (3) games throughout the regular season
Finals positions will be determined in the following order:
Most points
Highest percentage
Score difference
Score for.
Finals will be fixtured in the following format:
Semi Final - 1v4 and 2v3
Grand Final - Winners of each semi-final
Teams not in the top 4 will play in the classification rounds for the duration of the finals.
All teams will play two (2) weeks of finals matches regardless of finishing position.
- If there is a draw at the end of regular time during the Semi Final and Grand Final, the following will determine the outcome of the game:
- Futsal - a period of 5 minutes to be played, a coin toss will determine who will take the first centre kick, if after this time a winner cannot be determined, a penalty shoot out will determine the outcome
- Netball - two periods of 5 minutes to be played, if after this time a winner cannot be determined, another period will begin and when a team leads by two goals, the winner will be determined
- Basketball - a period of 5 minutes will be played, if after this time a winner cannot be determined, an additional 5 minutes will be played again until there is a winner.
- Where a game is abandoned by the umpire/referee for misconduct, the offending team will have a forfeit recorded against their team. The opposition will be awarded a win
Where a game is abandoned by a team, the opposition will be awarded a win
Where a game is unable to be continued, this could be due to an injury where a player cannot be moved, power failure etc., the following results will occur:
- Match stopped before half time, score will be deemed 0-0
- Match stopped after half time, score at the time will stand as the result.
Players, teams and spectators can be reported by an official or staff member for any form of misconduct. Misconduct can include but is not limited to; abusive language, unsporting conduct, undue rough play, resistance to obey or take reasonable action from an official and striking or attempting to strike
- On receipt of a player report, the team captain will be notified with the details of the report and the decision of action taken by the Senior Sports Officer
Management reserves the right to suspend players, spectators and/or teams from the competition
Any player put on suspension is on an automatic probation for an indefinite period
Where a suspension is issued, the player may not enter the facility during this time, and the suspension weeks do not include weeks that are public holidays, byes or forfeits
Players, teams or spectators that have three reports and suspensions will be penalised further at the discretion of the Senior Sports and Leisure Programs Officer
If an altercation breaks out in a game, where an umpire/referee is forced to stop the flow of the game, the umpire/referee has the right to abandon the game. If the game is abandoned prior to half time, the non-offending team can receive a credit for the next game
- Penalties and suspensions are at the discretion of the Senior Sports and Leisure Programs Officer. Once a penalty and/or suspension are issued, the decision is final.
- The actions listed below are non-binding guidelines used by the Stirling Leisure Centres Sports Team to determine stadium misconduct in a sport-specific context, which may result in the person in question being subject to further suspension as per Suspension Guidelines (17).
- Caution: player is notified that the behaviour demonstrated is unacceptable or unnecessary.
- Warning: formal warning that if said behaviour continues, the relevant sport-specific consequences as detailed below will apply.
- Sport-specific consequences:
Netball player caution, resulting in the player sitting out of the game for two (2) minutes Futsal/Soccer yellow card, opposing team receives a free Basketball technical foul, resulting in one (1) free throw and possession - Final sport-specific consequences, resulting in the player and team no longer participating in the match, and ejection from the Centre. Suspension Guidelines (17) will be in effect for the whole team not just the individual:
Netball order off Futsal/Soccer red card Basketball second technical foul
- It is the responsibility of the umpire/referee to apply Steps 1-4 at their discretion, and participants should be aware that all sport-specific consequences are subject to the interpretation of the umpire/referee in question.
- Any further actions undertaken by the participant subject to behaviour management can result in an immediate ejection from the facility and/or further suspension from the competition, in accordance to the guidelines as per Suspension Guidelines (17).
The actions listed below are non-binding guidelines used by the Stirling Leisure Senior Sports and Leisure Programs Officer to determine appropriate suspension periods. Please note that any suspension handed down is at the discretion of the Senior Sports and Leisure Programs Officer, who may consider context when determining an appropriate suspension.
Please see below for our tribunal/suspension guidelines:
Offence | Penalty minimum | Penalty maximum |
Intimidation/Insult | ||
Disputing a referee’s decision | 1 week | 3 weeks |
Taunting (opponents or officials) | 4 weeks | 8 weeks |
Abusive, obscene or insulting language / gesturing | 4 weeks | 12 weeks |
Vilification/discrimination (race, sex, religion, disability related) | 6 weeks | 1 year |
Abusive, obscene or insulting language / gesturing towards staff (officials, front desk staff or management) | 8 weeks | 1 year |
Threats of violence causing fear | 16 weeks | 2 years |
Unsportsmanlike Behaviour | ||
Ejection/removal from a game | 1 week | 3 weeks |
Rough conduct (illegal bumping, head high contact) | 2 weeks | 4 weeks |
Tripping or attempted tripping | 4 weeks | 8 weeks |
Pushing (aggressive) | 4 weeks | 8 weeks |
Spitting on floor/players/officals/management | 4 weeks | 8 weeks |
Dangerous play | 4 weeks | 8 weeks |
Tunnelling | 6 weeks | 8 weeks |
Striking | ||
Involvement in a melee | 12 weeks | 1 year |
Attempted striking (includes punching, elbowing, kicking, choking) | 8 weeks | 2 years |
Stirking (includes punching, elbowing, kicking, choking) | 14 weeks | 2 years |
Stirking or attempting to strike any official, City of Stirling staff member or any member of the public within a Stirling Leisure Centre venue | 20 weeks | Life ban |
Non-Acceptance/Protest | ||
Failure to attend tribunal when summoned | 1 week | 3 weeks |
Playing while under suspension | Triple the original penalty | Triple the original penalty |