Private property parking agreements

Private property parking agreements can help address and prevent unauthorised parking on private land. The City of Stirling's Parking Local Law allows for an agreement to be established between the City and the owner of private land to extend the operation of the Parking Local Law to that property. Private property parking agreements do not apply to residential properties.

 It is accepted that property owners and occupiers provide parking on their premises in support of their particular needs which include their visitors, customers and own use. The City’s parking agreements can assist private property owners and occupiers with the management of their parking facilities. City of Stirling enforcement officers are authorised under legislation to issue infringement notices to vehicles in breach of the City’s local laws. Additionally, the City is able to register any infringements issued to offending vehicles for follow up enforcement action through the Fines Enforcement Registry.

 A physical inspection of the parking area will be conducted by a City officer as part of the application process. Once an agreement has been approved, City enforcement officers will visit the area on request. 

 Application fees and annual renewal apply to all parking agreements.

The purchase and installation of enforcement signs will also be required and all signs must comply with the City’s signage style guide. Please note that applicants are responsible for providing and installing signage.