The City sought inspiration to inform the preparation of an Inglewood Youth Parkland concept plan.
In response to the current and future needs of young people (and their families) the City is planning a multi-purpose parkland facility at the triangular open space next to Stirling Leisure Centres – Terry Tyzack Aquatic Centre, Inglewood.
The proposed Inglewood Youth Parkland focuses on young people within the 12 – 20 age group and will consider a range of amenities that responds to the needs of our younger community.
To help bring the project to life, the City invited new perspectives and innovation by requesting our community share their vision for the proposed Inglewood Youth Parkland.
The results of the Inglewood Youth Parkland Engagement were presented to the Community and Resources Committee on 26 November 2024 and to Council on 3 December 2024. More information can be found in the 3 December 2024 Council Minutes here (Council Resolution Number 1224/003).
Project timeline
April – June 2024
Community engagement
June 2024
School workshops
August 2024
Preparation of concept plan
26 November 2024
Community and Resources Committee
3 December 2024
Council Meeting
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What do our Councillors picture for this space?
Find out what City of Stirling Councillors envision for the space on YouTube.
The City’s recent Community Infrastructure Plan 2023 – 2033 attracted a broad range of feedback regarding the need for youth spaces, including:
- “Generally youth need more facilities so they can come together spontaneously to play”
- “Our young generation need encouragement (via creativity and community spirit) to venture out”
- “We need our tweens/teens to be independent and play with local kids. We need a variety of play options close to home”
- “Outdoor courts for basketball, tennis, etc. that are free and easily accessible”
- “Shared community spaces with shade".
The City of Stirling engaged the Stirling LEADS (Leadership, Empowerment, Achievement, Development, and Service) team to provide advice on the project and to help ensure that the project captured the voices and ideas of our local young people.
The Stirling LEADS is a group of nominated young people aged 16-25 years who live, work, or play in the City of Stirling. They provide guidance and support for youth initiatives, are a voice for young people in the City and are dedicated to empowering local young people and giving them a voice in our community.
Young people were invited to submit inspiration images which to assist in the development of the visual concept design for the Inglewood Youth Parkland Space.
Workshops were hosted in the following schools to help ensure that the concept plan will meet the needs of young people:
Carmel School
Coolbinia Primary School
Mount Lawley Primary School
Mount Lawley High School
Perth College
Yokine Primary School
Inglewood Primary School
St Peter's Primary School
Ishar Multicultural Women's Health Centre.
In addition, The City of Stirling engaged with surrounding youth organisations, sporting clubs and youth groups to engage a broader spectrum of young people within the community.
The City’s Skate and BMX Strategy, adopted in September 2013, recommended the staged implementation of new skate and BMX facilities following consultation with the community.
The City has six BMX and mountain bike facilities at Scarborough Beach, Bina Parkland, Balga, Dianella Regional Open Space, Robinson Reserve, Tuart Hill Newborough Rainer Reserve, Karrinyup and Millet Park, Innaloo. There is also a community-led bike trail at Hamer Park, Inglewood.
The Strategy identifies a skate and BMX facility at the triangular open space behind Stirling Leisure Centres - Terry Tyzack Aquatic Centre at the Inglewood Parkland located between suburbs, adjacent to Yokine Regional Open Space.
We heard from a diverse age group in the submission process and generated a range of ideas. A youth-driven school workshop process helped refine these ideas with over 200 Young People participating in school workshops to vote on what was important to them. Learn more in the City's Inglewood Youth Parkland Engagement Outcomes report.
The next stage of this project is to produce an artistic impression that responds to the proposed vision and community aspiration. The designs will be uploaded to this page once complete.
For more information, or to receive this information in an alternate format, please contact the City on (08) 9205 8555 or visit