Student design competition award winners announced

Image of Student Design Competition winners
26 March 2024

The City of Stirling looked to the future recently to celebrate the remarkable achievements of young visionaries.

The City of Stirling looked to the future recently to celebrate the remarkable achievements of young visionaries who joined the Sustainable Stirling Student Design Competition.

Chris Ferreira from the Forever Project and Matt Wallwork from Ecotecture joined the Mayor as panel judges and awarded the below students for their outstanding designs:

  • Mayor’s Commendation Medal for Sustainable Design was awarded to primary school student Riley
  • Primary school category:
    Joint first place was awarded to Luca and Isobel.
    Joint second place was awarded to Shana and Bradley.
  • Tertiary category:
    First place was awarded to Grace 
    Equal second place was awarded to Bronwyn and Kristen 
    Third place was awarded to Tahlia.     

Mayor Mark Irwin said at the heart of the competition was a desire to improve sustainable urban design outcomes.

“Congratulations on behalf of Council to all the award winners and participants in our Sustainable Stirling Student Design Competition, which was held during with Perth Design Week 2024 (14 – 21 March),” he said.

“Simply put, this competition was about looking for new ways to plan, design and build housing in more sustainable ways.

“We realise as a local government with more than 103,000 private dwellings across our 105km2 area, that we are one piece of the puzzle when it comes to housing density, supply and diversity, and that there is a lot we can do to become a leader in sustainability.

“We hope this competition continues into the future to encourage a new way for us to talk about sustainable urban design and better involve the designers and architects of the future.”

All entries were assessed by the judging panel against the 10 principles of good design in line with the State Planning Policy for Design of the Built Environment, with a focus on sustainable outcomes.

The City received entries from students at Curtin University, North Metro Tafe and the University of Western Australia. Representatives from Lake Gwelup Primary School and Woodlands Primary School attended the event.

Visit for details.

Fast facts

  • The City of Stirling is the biggest local government by population in WA – we have almost 235,000 residents and in the next 30 years, this is projected to grow to over 341,000.
  • That equates to 115,000 people moving into the City, who will need 51,000 new homes by 2050.
  • 45 per cent of our residential land is zoned R30 and R40, which represents a huge opportunity for infill, and this is a key driver for how we came to develop this new competition.
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