MetSO Community Orchestras

MetSO Community Orchestras
Arts and cultureMusic and festivalsFamilies and children
  • Date

    Various dates and times, see event for details.

  • Address

    Stirling Community Centres, Charles Riley Reserve, North Beach
    7A Kitchener Street

    Get directions

  • Cost

    Details at

  • Event types
    Family event Wheelchair accessible event
  • Supported by City of Stirling

Contact details

The Metropolitan Symphony Orchestra (est 1977 as the Karrinyup Symphony) runs four main ensembles at Charles Riley Reserve, North Beach.

All ages are welcome - strings any level, and we invite other orchestral players AMEB 6+ to apply.

MetSO Symphony Orchestra | AMEB 6+, Mon 7.45pm - 9.45pm

Avanti Beginner Strings | Prelim - 1, Wed 6.30pm - 7.30pm

MISO Intermediate String Orchestra | AMEB 2 - 5, Wed 7.30pm - 9.00pm

MetSO Chamber Orchestra | AMEB 4+ strings, Fri 12.15pm - 2.00pm

Please contact for a free trial.

We also provide arts and event management volunteering opportunities for community members and students that count towards service requirements for school or award programs such as Duke of Edinburgh Awards.

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