Applicants who wish to become an Accredited Fast-Track applicant are required to register their interest by submitting an Expression of Interest (EOI) directly to the City via the form. Any applicant can request to lodge a fast-track application.
To become accredited, an applicant is required to declare that they will always provide the City with high-quality applications that meet the City’s requirements to enable determination of the application in a Fast-Track manner.
Following receipt of the completed EOI application, the City will allow a proposed applicant to lodge a Fast-Track application for assessment. The City will consider the application and, if the application is of high quality and determined by the City within 28 calendar days or 50 calendar days, the City will issue the applicant with an accredited Fast-Track applicant status and will be listed on the City’s website.
An accredited Fast-Track applicant may display the City’s Fast-Track Accreditation logo in marketing materials, websites, brochures, or documentation.
Maintaining the Fast-Track Applicant Accreditation
This accreditation will be listed on the City’s website and will enable the City’s residents to easily engage with an accredited Fast-Track applicant to lodge their residential development applications on their behalf.
This accreditation will be monitored by the City to ensure that high quality applications are received for assessment by the City.
A sub-standard application is an application which does not provide the required information as required under the submission document checklist, consistently provides incorrect assessments or proposes variations that cannot be considered under a Fast-track application.
The City has the right to remove accreditation and thereby the right for that applicant to lodge Fast-Track applications with the City should an applicant lodge a number of sub-standard applications.
Removal of accreditation will result in applicants only being able to lodge standard development applications with the City and will result in standard determination time frames. The Accreditation logo must also not be used in the event of the Accreditation being rescinded.
Should an applicant wish to regain accreditation they will need to lodge and receive two additional Fast-Track approvals prior to regaining their accreditation and being relisted on the City's website.