Fast-Track (Development Applications)

Fast-Track Lodgement Update:

  • The City's Fast-Track development application service is temporarily unavailable due to unforeseen maintenance issues. The City is currently looking into this and apologises for the inconvenience caused. In the meantime, please submit your development application through the City’s eLodgement portal.
  • Expressions of interest for registration of the Fast-Track development application service are temporarily unavailable. Any expression of interest received during this period will be held and actioned once the portal is operational. 

Stirling fast-track (Development Applications) is a new application service which enables applicants to obtain approval in a more streamlined fashion and in a quicker timeframe. The service will require a digital planning assessment of the application to be completed through the City’s online portal. If you do not wish or are unable to provide a digital planning assessment, the application will need to be submitted as a standard Development Application.

The service will provide determinations within the following timeframes:

Within 28 calendar days from pre-lodgement submission for applications which do not require referrals to external agencies.

Within 50 calendar days from pre-lodgement submission for applications which require referrals to external agencies (such as Main Roads Western Australia).

This service is an opt-in service and will require applicants to first register an expression of interest to lodge fast-track applications via the following online form link to EOI form.

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Eligible fast-track development applications

The following residential applications which are subject to assessment against the Residential Design Codes Volume 1 - Part B Low Density are eligible to be lodged for Fast-Track DA assessment:

  • Single house
  • Additions (to a single house)
  • One grouped dwelling
  • Two grouped dwellings
  • Additions (to a grouped dwelling)
  • Garage
  • Carport
  • Ancillary dwelling
  • Retaining walls
  • Front fence
  • Outbuilding
  • Patio.

What type of variations can be considered?

The following variations to Deemed-to-Comply requirements can be considered by the City under a Fast-Track Development Application:

  • Clause 5.1.2 - Street Setback
  • Clause 5.1.3 - Lot Boundary Setback
  • Clause 5.1.4 - Open Space
  • Clause 5.1.6 - Building Height
  • Clause 5.2.1 - Setback of Garages and Carports
  • Clause 5.2.2 - Garage Width
  • Clause 5.2.3 - Street Surveillance
  • Clause 5.2.4 - Street Wall and Fences
  • Clause 5.2.5 - Sight Lines
  • Clause 5.2.6 - Appearance of Retained Dwelling
  • Clause 5.3.1 - Outdoor Living Areas
  • Clause 5.3.2 - Landscaping
  • Clause 5.3.3 - Parking
  • Clause 5.3.4 - Design of Car Parking Spaces
  • Clause 5.3.5 - Vehicular Access
  • Clause 5.3.7 - Site Works
  • Clause 5.4.1 - Visual Privacy
  • Clause 5.4.2 - Solar access for adjoining sites
  • Clause 5.4.3 - Outbuildings
  • Clause 5.4.4 - External fixtures, utilities and facilities
  • Clause 5.5.1 - Ancillary Dwellings
  • Clause 5.5.3 - Single Bedroom Dwellings.

What extent of variations can be considered under a fast-track application?

The extent of each variation proposed will be considered by the City at the pre-lodgement submission stage. Confirmation will then be provided back to the applicant on whether their application can be assessed under a Fast-Track assessment or if the variations proposed are substantial and may have a possible impact on the amenity of neighbouring properties.

If a proposed variation requires consultation with adjoining owners and occupiers, the City will conduct advertising during the standard application process and the application will have a 60-day statutory determination timeframe.

If the extent of variations proposed require a fundamental redesign, the proposal cannot be considered as a Fast-Track application and will be assessed as a standard development application. An applicant can choose to amend the plans in accordance with the City's Lodgement Ready Letter advice and submit a new Fast-Track application via the City's website. This application will then be considered within 21 days and a new Lodgement Ready letter will be provided to the applicant.

What applications will not be considered under a fast-track application?

The following applications will not be considered by the City under the Fast-Track DA process and a standard development will need to be submitted:

  • Any development that would need to be assessed under the Residential Design Codes Volume 1 - Part C
  • Applications located within the City’s Heritage Protection Area (Inglewood, Menora and Mount Lawley)
  • Applications which propose variations to minimum and average lot area/s which will require subdivision approval from the Western Australian Planning Commission (WAPC)
  • If the development has commenced or been carried out (Unauthorised works)

  • Applications located within the following Strategic Planning Project Areas:
    • Stirling City Centre
    • Herdsman Glendalough Structure Plan Area
    • Mirrabooka Town Centre Activity Plan Area
    • Scarborough Beach Road West Local Development Plan Area
    • Neighbourhood Centres Local Development Plan Area.

Stirling fast-track process

To enable the City to determine fast-track Development Applications, applicants will need to lodge a pre-lodgement fast-track submission and engage with the City to ensure that any potential issues are considered and mitigated prior to a formal lodgement of a fast-track DA. 

To enable Fast-Track applications to be determined, the initial process outlined below will need to be followed by all applicants.

Step 1 - Applicant lodges an expression of interest to be an accredited fast-track applicant

Applicants who wish to become an Accredited Fast-Track applicant are required to register their interest by submitting an Expression of Interest (EOI) directly to the City via the form. Any applicant can request to lodge a fast-track application.

To become accredited, an applicant is required to declare that they will always provide the City with high-quality applications that meet the City’s requirements to enable determination of the application in a Fast-Track manner. 

Following receipt of the completed EOI application, the City will allow a proposed applicant to lodge a Fast-Track application for assessment. The City will consider the application and, if the application is of high quality and determined by the City within 28 calendar days or 50 calendar days, the City will issue the applicant with an accredited Fast-Track applicant status and will be listed on the City’s website. 

The following logo may be displayed in marketing materials, websites, brochures, or documentation where the applicant holds a Fast-Track Accreditation. 

Maintaining the fast-track applicant accreditation

This accreditation will be listed on the City’s website and will enable the City’s residents to easily engage with an accredited Fast-Track applicant to lodge their residential development applications on their behalf.

This accreditation will be monitored by the City to ensure that high quality applications are received for assessment by the City. 

A sub-standard application is an application which does not provide the required information as required under the submission document checklist, consistently provides incorrect assessments or proposes variations (such as building height) which cannot be considered under a Fast-track application. 

The City has the right to remove accreditation and thereby the right for that applicant to lodge Fast-Track applications with the City should an applicant lodge a number of sub-standard applications.  

Removal of accreditation will result in applicants only being able to lodge standard development applications with the City and will result in standard determination time frames. The Accreditation logo must also not be used in the event of the Accreditation being rescinded. 

Should an applicant wish to regain accreditation they will need to lodge and receive two additional Fast-Track approvals prior to regaining their accreditation and being relisted on the City's website.

Step 2 - Submit a pre-lodgement fast-track submission

The first step in the Stirling Fast-Track process is to submit a Pre-Lodgement submission for the proposed development. The purpose of the Pre-Lodgement submission is for applicants to notify the City of any potential issues regarding their application and to obtain advice from the City to enable their Fast-Track application to be considered lodgement ready.

The pre-lodgement fast track development application is intended to ensure:

  • Applicants are on the right track
  • Any potential issues are addressed up front
  • To identify if proposed variations are considered substantial and may have an amenity impact on neighbouring properties
  • To identify if the application will require advertising under a standard development application
  • A smooth and faster assessment of the application once lodged
  • The likelihood of a request for further information is minimised.

What information is to be provided in the pre-lodgement submission?

Detailed information is required to be submitted with your Pre-Lodgement submission to ensure the City can identify any potential issues with your application and confirm if the application can be determined under the City’s fast-track process. 

Information required to be submitted includes:

Information requiredFormat required
DA Application Forms (LPS3 Form and MRS Form)PDF
Certificate of Titles issued by Landgate within the past 6 monthsPDF

Cover Letter

Site Feature Survey (if required – please refer to submission document checklist)PDF
Completed Fast Track DA Assessment SheetSubmitted via assessment portal
Completed Design Principal Assessment SheetSubmitted via assessment portal

One set of plans

  • Site Plan
  • Floor Plans
  • Elevations
  • Overshadow Diagram (if applicable)

Step 3 - Receipt of lodgement ready letter

Following the City’s review of the Pre-Lodgement submission, the City will provide pre-lodgement advice via a lodgement ready letter advising the following information: 

Proposed application details;

  • Confirmation if the proposal can be considered as a Fast-Track application with no amendments or with amendments;
  • Identification of any issues that would inhibit a Fast-Track assessment. Issues that could be identified include:
  • Building height variations
    • Variations proposed that would not be supported by the City
    • Removal of street trees
    • External referrals are required (Main Roads, Department of Planning, Lands and Heritage)
    • Further Planning Framework assessment required (Sites located within Strategic Planning Project Areas).

A Pre-Lodgement Fast-Track submission is mandatory, free of charge and advice will be provided by the City within 21 calendar days. 

This timeframe may be extended to 43 Calendar days if Planning Officers are required to obtain referral advice from external agencies such as Main Roads Western Australia, Department Planning, Lands and Heritage or Public Transport Authority of Western Australia.)

It is important to note that, where it is determined the request has not met the City’s requirements or requires more information, the applicant will be notified as soon as possible.

The applicant will have one opportunity to rectify the issues raised. Should it be determined the request has not been satisfactorily rectified as advised, the applicant will be notified that their application will be processed as a standard Development Application.

Pre-lodgement meeting

After receiving the lodgement ready letter, a pre-lodgement advice meeting is available to the Applicant who wish to discuss their proposal with a Planning Officer. This meeting can discuss issues highlighted in the lodgement ready letter. 

Step 4 - Formal lodgement of fast-track DA

A fast-track DA can only be lodged following payment of the application fee and submission of all requested information contained within the lodgement ready letter. The lodgement of the application will be confirmed to the Applicant by receipt of an DA acknowledgement letter.

The City will then proceed to assess the application and issue a determination within 7 calendar days.

Step 5 - City of Stirling assessment of the application

Upon issuing the acknowledgement letter, the City’s Planning Officers within the City’s Development Services Business Unit will assess the Fast-Track Development Application. The assessment will determine if the proposed development can be approved and is in accordance with the City Planning Framework. 

As the fast-track DA process includes the pre-lodgement advice process, the likelihood of the City requiring further information from the applicant will be greatly reduced. As a result, the assessment of a Fast-Track DA will be faster  in comparison to the City’s standard DA assessment process.

The City will assess and determine the Fast-Track application within 7 calendar days pending no further information being required. 

Whilst the intent of the Fast-Track DA process is to avoid requesting further information from the applicant, the City reserves the right to request further information where required.

This means the City cannot guarantee a decision being made on the application within 28 or 50 calendar days where a request for further information is made.

Step 6 - Determination of application

The Applicant can expect determination of their fast-track application within 7 days from receipt of acknowledgement letter and within 28 or 50 calendar days of the day from the pre-lodgement submission.

A determination notice and approved plans will be provided and includes, but is not limited to:

  • Approved plans with annotations (if required)
  • Determination notice including;
    • Applicant details
    • Application details
    • Location details
    • Decision date and details
    • Details of the approval
    • Conditions and advice notes
    • Expiry date.

Step 7 - Applicant is listed on the City’s website as an accredited fast-track applicant

The applicant’s details will be listed on the City’s website as an accredited fast-track applicant to enable residents to engage with fast-track applicants when seeking to lodge development application with the City.

Submit an expression of interest to lodge a fast-track application
Register here
Submit a fast-track application
Click here