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City wins 10th gold for reporting

24 May 2024

The City has won a historic 10th gold award in a row – and Best in Sector for the second year in a row – at the Australasian Reporting Awards (ARA) for reporting on accountability and transparency.

The City is the first and only local government in WA to win its 10th award in a row and be inducted into the Chair's Commendations Honour Roll. The Best in Industry Sector award also recognised the City of Stirling as having the best local government Annual Report in Australasia.

Annual reports are a key reporting mechanism of the State Government’s Integrated Planning and Reporting Framework to ensure accountability and high performance across the local government sector.

The City’s 2022/23 Annual Report was the first to report on the City’s new Strategic Community Plan, Sustainable Stirling 2022-2032, which outlines our new vision for a sustainable City with a local focus.

Mayor Mark Irwin said the City was proud to continue to be recognised for excellence in such a critically important field of endeavour.

“Being a leader in accountability is no small matter,” he said.

“10 golds in a row, two best in sectors in a row and inclusion in the Chair’s honour roll not only means excellence but also sustained excellence, year in and year out.

“Our community rightly holds high expectations that their local governments – that level of government most close to the community – will operate professionally and report transparently on what we have delivered for our ratepayers and community.”

The City’s Annual Reports and financial statements are available online.

The awards were introduced in 1950 (then known as the Annual Report Awards) to improve the quality of annual reporting in Australia and raise public awareness of the purposes of organisations and their achievements.

The awards were then expanded to include New Zealand and renamed the Australasian Reporting Awards and have extended further to include the Asia-Pacific region. They are an independent, not-for-profit organisation run by volunteer professionals from the business, government and not-for-profit sectors, with support from organisations concerned with the quality of business and financial reporting.

The ARA Chair’s Commendation was introduced in 2017 to recognise consistent and outstanding performance. This award is presented to organisations that have achieved ten consecutive gold awards.

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