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Coastal Boardwalk proposal

10 July 2024

In response to renewed community interest, the City of Stirling is in the very early stages of exploring a proposal for an environmentally sensitive coastal boardwalk to connect two of Perth’s best beaches – Scarborough and Trigg.

The City’s Corporate Business Plan 2024-28 was adopted by Council on 25 June, and includes budget for a feasibility study in 2024/25. This will include an environmental impact study and an economic assessment to ensure that any future design will protect and enhance the natural environment, while creating a unique tourist attraction along our coastline which can be used by locals, visitors and tourists alike.

Extensive community engagement will ensure our community shares knowledge and participates in the decision-making of this important project.

Preservation and future-proofing of our stunning 7km of City coastline and dune systems is critical for the City, so any future design concept would need to be environmentally sustainable, protect the natural ecosystem and improve access while also showcasing our beaches with an iconic experience.

Proposals for a boardwalk have been raised since as early as 2005, with the previous focus being on solutions to move pedestrians from the walkway along West Coast Highway. The City is now asking the community what they would like to see while also promoting, preserving and enhancing our natural coastline.

An environmentally sensitive boardwalk could enhance and protect our coastline, maximise views of the natural landscape and make the most of Perth’s incredible sunsets. Other potential benefits include the provision of a safe and accessible pathway for pedestrians which could also alleviate parking challenges by providing better access to Scarborough Beach from carparks at Trigg Beach.

The City has recently received an early indication from residents in the area wanting to see this project progress, via our Local Convos in Scarborough and Trigg, where we have asked community members what their priorities are in their local area. The potential for a boardwalk between Scarborough and Trigg has been identified as a top five local priority in both suburbs, so the City is looking forward to exploring this further with the community and listening to all perspectives.

Ahead of the extensive community engagement for the coastal boardwalk, people have an opportunity to share what they think of the idea through our Feels Like Scarborough engagement, where we are asking “what is your advice to the City about the idea of a boardwalk from Scarborough to Trigg Beach?”

Feels Like Scarborough is open for comment until 31 July by visiting www.stirling.wa.gov.au/FLS.

Jump direct to the survey here.

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