Yelo development recommended for refusal

23 March 2021

The City of Stirling is pleased that the Joint Development Assessment Panel (JDAP) has supported the officer recommendation to refuse the mixed-use development at Lot 1, 331 West Coast Drive in Trigg earlier today.
The City has reiterated its concerns around the proposal – otherwise known as the Yelo redevelopment – in the Responsible Authority Report (RAR) presented at today’s JDAP hearing.

Coastal ward Councillor Karen Caddy today reinforced the City officer recommendation to refuse the development based on concerns it will exacerbate existing parking issues; that the height, bulk and scale is not in keeping with the area; and that it will adversely impact on adjacent properties.

The JDAP today moved the City officer recommendation to refuse the development, adding plot ratio and overshadowing as other reasons for its refusal.

Mayor Mark Irwin said the community had been very strong in its opposition to this out-of-context, four-storey development.

“As Council, it is our role to take community feedback into consideration and local context is very important when deliberating over development proposals,” Mayor Irwin said.

“Council's objective is to better protect the amenity of local communities while balancing the need for sustainable development outcomes.”

Under the modified policy, the maximum height in similar areas is three storeys and where adjoining sites are zoned residential, setbacks are required to ensure streetscape continuity and minimise adverse impacts to adjoining sites.

As the largest local government in Western Australia with a strong reputation in good governance and planning, the City is well positioned to offer valuable local knowledge and advice. The City is pleased with the JDAP’s recommendation and hopes its recommendations will continue to be fairly and seriously considered by the JDAP and other state planning authorities in their deliberations.

“It is a shame that recent commentary by the applicant in the media has accused the City of not supporting development and that the Council is being unfairly criticised for advocating for positive outcomes on behalf of the local community we represent.

“We strongly refute the statement that the City has a reputation for refusal, with statistics showing the City has supported 86 per cent of development proposals before the JDAP since January 2020.

“The City will continue to work with the community to hear their concerns, deliver good planning outcomes and to advocate for sustainable developments in the City of Stirling.”

From January 2020 to 22 March 2021, the JDAP determined 23 development applications, with 19 of those recommended for approval by the City of Stirling. Two applications were recommended for refusal and two were recommended for deferral or were unable to be determined.

Importantly, only four decisions by the JDAP were inconsistent with the City’s recommendation.

The JDAP’s recommendation for refusal will be presented to the State Administrative Tribunal for a final decision.

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