Community provides feedback on Robinson Reserve

29 August 2018

Thank you to all members of the community who provided feedback on the Robinson Reserve Master Plan.

The community was asked to provide comment on the Master Plan throughout February and March 2018. During this time the project page received more than 1,600 visits from which 163 submissions were received.

The feedback we received was used to inform the final Master Plan, which was endorsed by Council at the 12 June 2018 meeting.

What we heard through the Master Plan consultation

We heard how excited the community is to see the upgrades and improvements happen at Robinson reserve.

We heard that the top three most important upgrades and improvements to reserve include upgrades to public toilet amenities, addition of barbecue areas and picnic seating.

Other aspects important to the local community include:

  • The inclusion of a recreation area development of a new path network and the development of a new major playground
  • The need for a larger size picnic seating area
  • On-street parking along Royal Street
  • The need for 1.8m high fencing
  • The retention of the hill.

The community also said that all these important aspects need to consider the Agricultural Show and other key users.

What else did we hear?

  • Osborne Park Agricultural Show

The community highlighted their support for the annual Osborne Park Agricultural Show and told us how important the Show is to the local community.

What are we doing with this information?

The City continues to ensure the master plan considers the needs of the Show and is working closely with the Osborne Park Agricultural Society and other key reserve users make sure the master plan supports the Show and how it works.

  • Additional playing fields

Comments received through consultation requested consideration of an additional cricket wicket within the reserve.

What are we doing with this information?

The City considered this request but at this time an additional cricket wicket facility is not viable given available space, sports field dimension requirements and the location of existing cricket facilities within close proximity such as those at Grenville Reserve.

  • Reserve fencing

From comments received about the removal and replacement of fencing around the reserve we understand that local community members want to see 1.8m fencing around the reserve to support the functionality of the annual Osborne Park Show and for the safety of children and dogs using the reserve.

What are we doing with this information?

The master plan has been endorsed with 1.8m fencing around the reserve.

  • New Playground

Many community members highlighted that they liked the idea of a modern themed playground with a nature based play area with themes that link with the Osborne Community Hub was an important feature.

The community also mentioned that it would be good to separate dogs and children – fencing of the playground was requested.

What are we doing with this information?

The playground concept design has been developed with this feedback in mind. The location of the playground in the south western corner will help separate dogs and children and create better links to the Osborne Hub.

The perimeter reserve fencing will provide access control, as such no internal fence is being provided.

  • Dedicated dog exercise area

Comments received through consultation requested consideration of a fenced area for dog walking.

What are we doing with this information?

Given the need to maximise the shared use of Robinson Reserve, the proximity to residents in relation to noise impact, and the provision of fencing around the reserve to provide access control, no additional internal fencing is being considered.

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