This section aims to help you understand whether you need a development application or a building permit for your project. Please note, the below information is not intended to replace state government legislation and requirements, or to be taken as legal advice.
Development Applications
Once you have downloaded your project Information Sheet from Step 1, review your project’s considerations and if you need to apply for a Development Application.
You can use the Assess and Application Assistant to gather all the required documents in preparation for your application based on your property address.
Building permits
To demonstrate compliance with the applicable building standards, as a minimum the following would be required to support a building permit application:
- Architectural plan set
- Structural engineering details from a professional structural engineer
- Energy efficiency compliance report
- Specifications for building materials being used may be required.
A building permit application can either be a BA1 Certified Building Permit application or a BA2 Uncertified Building Permit application.
The BA2 Uncertified Building Permit application process is when a person lodges all of the relevant documentation (as per the below checklist link) with the Permit Authority (City of Stirling) to have it assessed for compliance against the Building Code of Australia (Volume 2). If compliant and complete, the City will issue you with a "BA3 Certificate of Design Compliance" and also issue the Building Permit (BA4) which will allow you to commence the proposed works.
A BA1 Certified application process is different, in that you can choose to have your documents certified by a registered private Building Surveyor (link below), who if is satisfied that your documents comply with the Building Code of Australia will issue you with a " BA3 Certificate of Design Compliance". You then use that certificate (BA3 Certificate of Design Compliance) to apply for a Building Permit from the Permit Authority (City of Stirling), which when issued, will allow you to commence works.
Provided that all the required information is provided and all required approvals have been granted at the time of lodgement, the time to determine an application is:
- For a Certified application, 10 business days
- For an Uncertified application, 25 business days.
Please refer to the following links for further information