The City has engaged the community on buffer zone options for Hector Street Safe Active Street and is now updating on the approved concept design.
Hector Street is an important east-west corridor for bike riding as defined within the Long-term Cycle Network. Following further successful community consultation, it will ultimately connect to the Midland Principal Shared Path at the Mt Lawley Train Station. The route for Stage 1 of this Safe Active Street project follows Hector Street for a length of 1.6km between Mitchell Freeway and Banksia Street via French Street and Hodgson Street. This project is jointly funded by the City of Stirling and the Department of Transport.
The Safe Active Street will create a safer, attractive and more liveable environment, with the aim to encourage people to replace a few short car trips each week with riding or walking, to improve health, well-being and reduce congestion and pollution.
Following extensive community engagement, Stage 1 of the Hector Street Safe Active Street (SAS) project is progressing to the next phase. Over two-thirds of participants supported the project with the feedback from this process informing the development of the Detailed Design.
The current design for Stage 1 consists of various traffic calming and urban greening features to further support a welcoming and connected neighbourhood. These include:
- Landscaped buildouts and pocket parks, providing space for 100+ additional trees
- Formalised on-street parking
- Traffic calming measures include the following:
- To reduce traffic speed to 30 km/h, raised plateaus are proposed to be installed at the intersections of Hector Street with Albert Street and Stoneham Street
- To reduce traffic volume, access for motorised vehicles is proposed to be closed at the east and west intersections of Hector Street and Main Street and French Street with Hodgson Street
- To support the SAS users, priority will be changed to Hector Street at the intersections with Tyler Street and Stoneham Street.
Council Resolution (0524/023): Council DOES NOT APPROVE the implementation of Stage 1 of the Safe Active Street along Hector Street between Mitchell Freeway in Osborne Park and Banksia Street in Tuart Hill.
To view the minutes of the meeting, click here.
Verges of Hector
To support the principles of the SAS the City has created the initiative Verges of Hector to celebrate the verges, the people, and stories of the street.
As a Platinum Waterwise Council, the City will be offering incentives, workshops and support to residents to create sustainable verge gardens. The City's Sustainable Verge Makeover Guide will inform the initiative and we will be collecting verge stories from the street and bringing them to life in a photoblog.
We believe your verge is the smile on the front of your house. Join us and change the face of Hector Street by registering your interest via www.stirling.wa.gov.au/enquiry.
Project timeline
December 2021
Concept Plan
February - March 2022
Community Consultation
May 2023 - June 2023
Modified Concept Design Consultation
June 2023
Approved Concept Design
January 2024 - March 2024
Community Project Update
Tuesday 28 May 2024
Detailed Design - Submitted to Council
View more
The proposed route for Stage 1 of this SAS project follows Hector Street for a length of 1.6km between Mitchell Freeway and Banksia Street via French Street and Hodgson Street (adjacent Tuart College). For more details, please view the current Detailed Design Plan PDF above.
Following further successful community consultation for future stages, the completed SAS will ultimately connect the Midland Principal Shared Path at the Mt Lawley Train Station with the Mitchell Freeway Principal Shared Path.
For further details please also refer to the Department of Transport’s Long-term cycle network program.
Safe active streets are cycle routes on quiet local streets, where speeds have been reduced to 30 km/h to allow for a safer shared street space. With lower traffic speeds, the streets are much safer for pedestrians and riders of all ages and abilities, as well as for people driving.
For more information, please visit Department of Transport’s Safe Active Streets Pilot Program.
- Safe active streets are placed on quiet local streets and use different design elements to encourage lower vehicle speeds and volumes, thereby creating a safe, attractive, more liveable environment that encourages people of all ages and abilities to choose bike riding and walking
- Safe active streets help to create communities where walking and bike riding are safer, more convenient and attractive options
- Safe active streets create a safe, shared space for all road users, whether they are driving, riding or walking
- Safe active street routes are carefully selected to safely connect people to schools, shops, parks and other community facilities as well as shared path networks
- More trees and plants are provided along safe active streets to increase shade and create a cooler and more welcoming street and improve the visual appeal of the neighbourhood
- Safe active streets aim to encourage people to replace a few short car trips each week with riding or walking, to improve your health, wellbeing and reduce congestion and pollution
- Safe active streets are an important part of WA’s growing bicycle network which offers safe, attractive and connected infrastructure for bike riding and walking, particularly where a shared path or other infrastructure solutions may not be suitable.
Yes. Safe Active Streets are travel routes on quiet local streets, where speeds have been reduced to 30 km/hr. The lower traffic speeds create a safer shared street space for people of all ages and abilities walking, wheeling and riding, while remaining accessible for motor vehicles.
For more information about how to navigate Safe Active Streets, please visit the Department of Transport’s Navigating Safe Active Streets.
Yes. Safe Active Streets have been built at several other locations, including the Moorland Street Safe Active Street, established within the City of Stirling in 2021. This is a 4.1km long route, linking Odin Road/Beatrice Street to Scarborough Beach, along Shaw Road, Stoner Street, Ambrose Street, Moorland Street and Manning Street.
Safe Active Streets have also been built in the following local councils:
- Town of Bassendean
- City of Bayswater
- City of Belmont
- City of Greater Geraldton
- City of Melville
- City of Nedlands
- City of Vincent.
For more information and Safe Active Street project interim reports, please visit the Department of Transport’s Safe Active Streets.
Safe Active Streets aim to facilitate community connection by creating safer, more attractive, liveable, greener neighbourhoods by implementing features such as:
- Tree planting, sustainable verge gardens and enhanced landscaping
- On-street parking
- Changes to the intersection priorities
- Raised pavement on intersections
- Wider median on main roads for crossing cyclist
- Cul de sacs/Turning heads
- Aesthetic features
- Bike racks.
Yes, the establishment of a Safe Active Street along the proposed route is part of the Primary East - West 2A (P E/W 2A) route.
For further details please refer to the Department of Transport’s Long-term cycle network.
This route will take safe on-road riding into the community and provides direct connections to:
- Osborne Park Primary School
- St Kierans Primary School
- Servite College Senior High School
- Tuart Hill Primary School.
“Street feels calm, less noise, nice to walk along.” (Moorland Street resident)
“Less traffic and slower traffic so it feels safe to cycle. Less traffic so a more pleasant walk. I think there are more pedestrians using the street. It's good to see more pedestrians out and about.” (Moorland Street local community member)
For more information, or to receive this information in an alternate format, please contact the City on (08) 9205 8555 or visit www.stirling.wa.gov.au/enquiry.