My Neighbourhood Art Workshop

My Neighbourhood Art Workshop
Arts and cultureEnvironment and sustainability
  • Date

    2.00pm - 5.00pm, 23 February 2025

  • Address

    The Guide Hall
    Pingrup Lane

    Get directions

  • Cost


  • Event types
    Family event Wheelchair accessible event

Contact details

Participants will use second hand material to create an artwork that represents something about their life where they live. 

Participants may choose to represent visiting the beach or park, to depict local wildlife or vegetation, or they could represent the built environment e.g., their local shops or restaurants.

The artwork must be contained within a single picture frame (provided by The Bend). All other materials will be provided.

A local artist (Annie Rawle) of Osmosis Designs will lead the workshop and show you how to combine your own pictures or models with found objects and images. She will teach craft techniques focused on using recycled materials, for example, wire, wood, thread and paints, etc.

You’ll get worksheets and ideas of what to paint or make to fit the theme. This workshop will be very hands-on and all participants will have an opportunity to create their own art piece on the day.

After the workshop, you will take home your work to finish at home then deliver it in its frame for exhibition and judging (if you choose to enter the competition).

Materials on the workshop day will be free, but you may need some basic things at home to finish, for example paint, glue, etc. The attendees can choose whether to enter their art into the subsequent art competition.

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