Milli and Mike's Recycling and Sustainability Show

Milli and Mike's Recycling and Sustainability Show
Environment and sustainabilitySchool holidaysYouth Free
  • Date

    Wednesday 29 January, 10.30am - 11.30am

    Wednesday 29 January at Stirling Libraries - Inglewood

  • Address

    Stirling Libraries - Inglewood
    895 Beaufort Street, Inglewood

    Get directions

  • Cost


  • Event types
    Family event
  • City of Stirling event

Contact details

Milli and Mike's recycling and sustainability show takes children aged 3 to 8 years of age on a journey to understand what common household waste can be recycled, repurposed or replaced with more sustainable options.

Milli the Hen and Mike teach children how to identify recyclable waste by identifying the structure, feel and look of the waste, and to highlight what waste be used for composting and how we can avoid single use plastics and highlight the impacts of littering on the environment.

Suitable for children aged 3 to 8. The show runs for approximately 45 to 50 minutes and the children receive a colouring in/activity sheet.


  • Wednesday 29 January at Stirling Libraries - Inglewood

Key learning outcomes:

  • What type of things can be recycled?
  • What type of things can we receive money for (10-cent Containers for Change)
  • What to do with soft plastics.

We teach children about what to do with batteries and other items, assist children to create a plastic free lunchbox and picnic basket, highlighting the need to decrease single use plastic items, and how we can repurpose used containers (jars, ice cream tubs and Milo tins) to store foods in. Children learn about the impact litter has on our environment.

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