Strategic plans

Sustainable Stirling

On 5 July 2022, the City of Stirling Council adopted Sustainable Stirling 2022 - 2032 after a major review in 2021/2022.

Sustainable Stirling 2022-2032 is our Strategic Community Plan, the City’s highest level planning document and a legislative requirement for all local governments in WA.

It sets out a broad but ambitious and achievable vision and objectives across five key result areas:

  • Our community
  • Our economy
  • Our built environment
  • Our natural environment
  • Our leadership.

The reviewed Plan has been informed by extensive community feedback and highlights the importance of environmental sustainability and local areas.

The Plan will be guiding the City’s priorities and decisions on matters such a services, projects, assets, infrastructure, land use, workforce planning and financial management.

Sustainable Stirling 2022 - 2032 can also be viewed in person at the City’s Civic Centre or City Libraries.

City of Stirling Strategic Community Plan

Corporate Business Plan

The Corporate Business Plan, together with the Strategic Community Plan form the City's 'plan for the future'.

The current Corporate Business Plan 2023 - 2027 was adopted by Council on 4 July 2023 and is a key Council document that sets out in detail how the City plans to serve its diverse community through efficient, responsive and sustainable services, projects and programs.

The Corporate Business Plan 2023 - 2027 lists the services, projects and programs that will be delivered over the next four years. The Plan will be reviewed annually to reflect new and emerging opportunities and challenges, while delivering the City's long-term vision to be the place where people choose to live, work, visit and invest.

City of Stirling Corporate Business Plan